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Top 5 Fishing Etiquette Rules You Need to Know

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Fishing is one of the world’s most popular sports, partly due to its accessibility. After all, you can fish on scenic lakes, flowing rivers, or even in babbling brooks. Just like in many sports, an unofficial code of ethics is in place to protect all anglers and their environment. Here are the top fishing etiquette rules you should know to make the fishing experience enjoyable for everyone.

  1. Be Polite and Thoughtful

Always aim to be thoughtful and try not to impose on others, whether they are already fishing or arriving after you. After all, everyone is just looking for a good spot. Be polite and do your best to make everyone’s experience positive. 

No one owns a particular fishing spot, so always be thoughtful and look for alternatives. If someone has arrived before you, let them choose their spot. Once they have chosen, make sure to leave considerable space between them and you so your fishing does not affect them. If a smaller location is occupied, it may be worth moving to a new one or asking the current angler if they mind you joining.

If you plan to wade into the water, make sure to enter the water carefully. Disrupting the water substantially can affect the fishing downstream and disturb other anglers. 

  1. Respect the Fish

Another top fishing etiquette rule is that if you plan to release the fish, you should take proper precautions to keep it alive. Remove the hook carefully and quickly, limit handling, and be ready to put the fish back into the water quickly. Fish need water, and unnecessarily taking them out of it for too long is likely to weaken or kill them. If you want a picture, do so as quickly as possible.

  1. Parking Areas are Often Limited

Don’t overcrowd parking areas or block in other anglers or patrons. Parking with a boat trailer can be complicated, so try to position your vehicle so that others can easily come and go from the water. If necessary, consider parking your trailer separately from your vehicle. Just be sure to put an appropriate lock on it!

  1. Take Out Your Trash

Importantly, make sure you always leave the area you are fishing completely trash-free. Bring in what you need, and then also leave with everything. Lakes and streams can become less desirable quickly as trash and other discards accumulate. Furthermore, trash can affect the growth and habitat of the fish, which can ruin fishing for everyone. If you see any random trash, consider picking it up and carrying it out with you. 

  1. Keep Your Boat at a Distance

If you are in open water on a lake or large river in your boat, be mindful of other anglers. A top fishing etiquette rule is always to maintain a proper distance throughout the day and pay attention as you transit the lake or river. Disturbing the water nearby can ruin another’s fishing experience, so go slowly and give as much space as possible. Also, be aware of people swimming and give them a wide berth. Find an alternative spot to fish and keep your distance to avoid unnecessary injuries.

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